Sober living

44 Inspirational Sobriety Quotes to Conquer Recovery

I definitely feel like my life is unfolding in new ways and that I’m building a new foundation to stand, and thrive, on. Alcohol is everywhere, and it’s become so normalized that you’re weird if you’re not downing it. My first five years of drinking alcohol were incredibly fun, and the last five years were rough. I know for a fact that I was using alcohol to numb all the shitty parts of my life because I’m currently in the process of working through all that shit I was suppressing.

The ability to choose how to respond is key to the recovery process and creates a solid foundation for a new life. The actor was a confessed alcoholic, and I cannot think of a better wish for anyone living an alcohol-free life. Tell me this is not exactly how you’ve felt waking up from a hangover before! This is exactly how it felt when I woke up with my hangover after the last night I drank. I ended up going to the hospital that night, and missed one of my best friend’s 30th birthday parties. The hangovers I was experiencing were not worth the minimal amount of fun I was having when going out.

Inspiring Addiction Recovery Quotes

“Do you feel like you’re way closer or a lot closer to like, you know, knowing who you are, what makes you happy, what fulfills you, all that stuff. Being in recovery has given me everything of value that I have in my life. Integrity, honesty, fearlessness, faith, a relationship with God, and most of all, gratitude. I approach sobriety with the same mentality I approached sports with. You’ve got to suit up, show up, and keep your eyes on the win. One of the hardest things was learning that I was worth recovery.

Focus on what you can control each day:

For people recovering from addiction, this can be encouragement. Actor Morgan Freeman says failure is a part of life, a quote that could empower someone to maintain sobriety. However, a relapse doesn’t mark the end of your recovery. We all need a little extra support from time to time, and usually the best place to find it is with the help of our close friends and loved ones. It’s a mix of struggle and hope, but above all, it’s a brave step towards a brighter, sober future. Being sober is not just the absence of intoxicants but also a journey towards self-discovery, improved well-being, and a more fulfilling life.

  • Check out more of my observations on sobriety by reading the entire article here.
  • One of the hardest things was learning that I was worth recovery.
  • I ended up going to the hospital that night, and missed one of my best friend’s 30th birthday parties.
  • The recurring message here is that people struggling with addiction can find solace and encouragement in sobriety quotes.
  • When I first got sober, I wrote sobriety quotes on colorful post-it notes and hung them up where I could see them.
  • See these quotes to help you be proud of your sobriety.

‘I’m not telling you it is going to be easy, I’m telling you it’s going to be worth it’

Here, Delamere list the best top 20 sobriety quotes of all time, as we see them. Love them or hate them inspirational quotes have been around for many, many years. Some are so profound and insightful that they are still referred to often today. Taking the path of sobriety maybe complex and challenging but it is one of the most liberating and transformative journey you can take.

Addiction quotes

If you run someone over because you were drinking, they don’t excuse you for it. There is a very real consequence, and you have to deal with it. You’re no longer afraid to connect with other people, but you’re more likely to do dumb shit to make others lose interest in you. And I will admit, it’s much easier to start a conversation with someone if your inhibitions are lowered.

Here are 8 benefits I’ve observed from 9 years of sobriety. I once read that there’s a difference between being lonely and alone. I used to think that was a trick of semantics until one night I was at the bar drinking with some friends. These were people I’d known my whole life and I cared deeply about, but I felt lonely.

  • Finding a quote that resonates with you can be a powerful tool to handle stress or challenges.
  • It takes a concerted effort to get your mind off addiction.
  • If you’re looking for reasons to stay sober, think about Author William Paul Young’s quote about never discounting the healing power of tears.
  • Recovery is an acceptance that your life is in shambles, and you have to change.
  • She said that she didn’t have to be sober, she chose to live alcohol-free.
  • Below, we have split some of our favourite sobriety quotes into six categories, which we hope give you the motivation to persevere through each recovery stage.

The We Level Up treatment center network delivers various recovery programs at each treatment facility. One of my favorite inspirational sobriety quotes is this quote from an unknown author. The We Level Up Treatment Center Network delivers recovery programs that vary by each treatment facility.

I love this inspirational sobriety quote from Mary Karr because I know that it absolutely describes me. Most people wait for January 1st to change their lives, 11 years of sobriety taught me that if something matters, the date doesn’t. After helping thousands break free from alcohol, I’ve discovered precisely why resolutions fail and what works. In my viral TED talk about addiction recovery, I shared my personal battle with alcoholism and how joining the military finally helped me achieve sobriety.

Sobriety and a healthier life could be your gift to God. The late actor Robin Williams used to say drugs keep you from enjoying life to the fullest. The late American cartoonist Bil Keane was short sobriety quotes quoted encouraging people to focus on the present.